Five things I would tell my daughter if she would listen

I remember being 12 or 13 and my mum being in her late 30’s and thinking she was soooooo old. We were in the changing rooms of what was Richard Shops and she was trying on something with no sleeves and she asked my opinion and I told her her arms were too fat to wear it. In retrospect, she was well under 10 stone and in great shape. My perception as a child was so skewed!

Continue reading “Five things I would tell my daughter if she would listen”

With love …. FOR the USA (and more specifically Arizona)

I’ll start by saying that up until 2009 I had experienced no desire whatsoever to travel to the United States of America. I had mistakenly assumed that as it’s population looked largely like us and spoke the same language I felt it didn’t really offer a culturally different experience. Continue reading “With love …. FOR the USA (and more specifically Arizona)”

Dear diary…..

It’s a standing joke at work. A colleague was going to start writing a diary of her dating exploits this year. It hasn’t happened but frequently at the end of a day someone will pipe up with ‘Dear Diary… what a day….’. It’s all a bit Victorian, pure and innocent. Continue reading “Dear diary…..”

Daughters. Karma. Futures.

I’m a daughter (no shit Sherlock). But I’m a daughter who has living parents (ok I’m only 49, no biggie). I also have my own version (aged 15, may the god of hormones give me strength). I’m lucky because at the time of writing I have yet to experience the full horror of what being a mother to me at 15 was like. Continue reading “Daughters. Karma. Futures.”