Vegan Paris

As you would imagine, this isn’t a complete walk in the park. Being a vegan in Paris is a bit of a challenge so I thought I would put down my findings after a recent trip to help others who may be finding sourcing great food a bit of a nightmare! Continue reading “Vegan Paris”


A chat with a close friend recently has revealed some of the above. Listed below in no particular order are my irritations of the micro kind.

  1. The word ‘helmet‘. You are wearing a cycling hat – please don’t say helmet.


  1. ‘Bell-end’ – let’s just to with ‘end’ or ‘tip’
  2. Alrighty‘ – just ‘alright’ is fine no need to add a bloody ‘y’
  3. Steering over-compensators – when you are turning right, unless you are driving an articulated lorry THERE IS NO NEED TO SWING OUT LEFT
  4. Putting two questions into one sentence that ask exactly the same thing e.g., Have you emptied the dishwasher have you? STRIKE
  5. Jeff Stelling – a surefire way to raise my blood pressure and not in a good way. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP SHOUTING
  6. Crumbs – underfoot is the worst but equally the crumb-spatter which appears to be invisible to others following toast buttering. ARE YOU BLIND?
  7. Passive-aggression – ok that may fall into the ‘major’ category
  8. Hot dog sausages – they aren’t even a thing
  9. White pepper – why bother?
  10. Slip-on Sketchers – M or F equally vile.Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 16.46.49
  11. Scampi – not a real thing eat something proper
  12. Spitting in the street. Properly disgusting.
  13. Driving under the speed limit (or generally over-cautiously)
  14. As far as I am aware” stop covering your ass and FIND OUT
  15. Starting a sentence with “At the end of the day
  16. Not knowing the difference between they’re, there and their but even worse is….
  17. Too and to
  18. And don’t even get me started on ‘EXPRESSO”

Going for a lie-down



Up and at them (always early)

It’s been nearly 2 months since I joined the best gym in my area (Centurion Health Club) and I thought it was time to reflect back on how far I’ve come and what I’ve learned in the form of a listicle since my last blog: Continue reading “Up and at them (always early)”

With love …. FOR the USA (and more specifically Arizona)

I’ll start by saying that up until 2009 I had experienced no desire whatsoever to travel to the United States of America. I had mistakenly assumed that as it’s population looked largely like us and spoke the same language I felt it didn’t really offer a culturally different experience. Continue reading “With love …. FOR the USA (and more specifically Arizona)”

Dear diary…..

It’s a standing joke at work. A colleague was going to start writing a diary of her dating exploits this year. It hasn’t happened but frequently at the end of a day someone will pipe up with ‘Dear Diary… what a day….’. It’s all a bit Victorian, pure and innocent. Continue reading “Dear diary…..”

Exposure or expression? It’s all semantics.

I’m two blogs in so really I’ve only got my toes wet, and eager for feedback I’ve been asking those whose opinions matter to me to have a read of what I’ve put on here already and give me feedback. Continue reading “Exposure or expression? It’s all semantics.”

Daughters. Karma. Futures.

I’m a daughter (no shit Sherlock). But I’m a daughter who has living parents (ok I’m only 49, no biggie). I also have my own version (aged 15, may the god of hormones give me strength). I’m lucky because at the time of writing I have yet to experience the full horror of what being a mother to me at 15 was like. Continue reading “Daughters. Karma. Futures.”